NESP Communications
- From the Desk of The President
- From the Desk of The Executive Director
- A Note From the Editor
- Periodontal Clinical Investigations
From the Desk of The President
Dear Esteemed Members of the Northeastern Society of Periodontists,
I am deeply honored and privileged to assume the role of the 65th President of our esteemed society. Since our inaugural NESP meeting in 1960, the field of periodontics has undergone profound transformations. I am filled with enthusiasm as I embark on this journey, committed to preserving NESP as a dynamic hub for progressive thinking and the advancement of periodontics.
Before we dive into this exciting endeavor, I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to our immediate past president, Dr. Edward Gottesman, and our dedicated executive director, Dr. Jay Fishbein. Their exceptional leadership and unwavering commitment have laid a robust foundation for the future. I’d also like to extend my gratitude to my program director, Michael Chau, whose friendship and guidance have been invaluable.
This year’s spring program holds exceptional promise. It is meticulously designed not only to deepen our understanding of our specialty but also to highlight the opportunities for collaboration with dentists from other fields. We recognize the immense value of interdisciplinary cooperation in delivering the highest quality care to our patients. By embracing this approach, we become better equipped to address the challenges of modern dentistry and ensure that our patients receive the comprehensive care they rightfully deserve.
Periodontics, the field we hold dear, has always been guided by the noble mission of preserving and enhancing oral health. We bear the weighty responsibility of saving teeth, safeguarding our patients’ well-being, and contributing to their overall quality of life. In our pursuit of this noble goal, it is essential to not only advance our knowledge with the latest developments in our field but also remember the tried-and-true practices that have stood the test of time.
Moreover, our role extends beyond our own discipline. We are integral components of the broader dental community, collaborating seamlessly with specialists from various dental fields to champion comprehensive dental health. Our advocacy for teamwork and cooperation remains fundamental to delivering care to our patients, and this spirit of unity will continue to define us.
The title of our spring program is “Interdisciplinary Care: Ortho-Perio, Endo-Perio, and Perio-Pros, and their Impact on the Outcome of Therapy.” Distinguished speakers will address not only what periodontists should know about other specialties but also what all dentists should understand about various aspects of dentistry and how to collaborate effectively.
Our field is not just about treatments; it is about enhancing lives. Each procedure we perform, each patient we care for, is a testament to our unwavering dedication and the positive impact we bring. In a world where oral health is intrinsically connected to overall well-being, we play an indispensable role in enhancing the quality of life for our patients.
I am eager and enthusiastic about the year ahead. The NESP community, with its collective wisdom and unwavering commitment, is well-positioned to continue its journey of advancement and excellence in periodontics. Together, we will navigate the ever-evolving landscape of our field and reaffirm our dedication to preserving oral health and enhancing the lives of those we serve.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for being an integral part of this exceptional community. Your dedication and passion are the driving forces behind our society’s success. As we embrace the opportunities of the upcoming year, I am confident that, together, we will leave a lasting impact.
Thank you, and I eagerly anticipate the year ahead and the opportunities it offers for us to make a significant difference.
Tyler Kim, D.D.S.
Northeastern Society of Periodontists
From the Desk of The Executive Director
Jay S. Fishbein, D.M.D.
January 2024
The Northeastern Society of Periodontists is the premier regional periodontal organization in the United States. Each year we provide scientific sessions to our members as well as to students enrolled in postgraduate periodontal programs in the northeast region. We continue a tradition that began 65 years ago of providing world class speakers in settings that foster friendship and camaraderie.
Please mark your calendars for April 19, 2024. Our spring conference will focus on Interdisciplinary Treatment Care: Ortho-Perio, Endo-Perio, and Perio-Pros, and their Impact on the Outcome of Treatment. Our president, Tyler Kim, and program chair, Michael Chau, have assembled a great lineup of speakers. We are looking forward to a high energy program.
Our fall 2024 meeting is titled Exploring Implant Mythology. Tyler and Michael are working on a very exciting meeting that will include many factors that may or may not affect the success of implant treatment. Stay tuned for the date and list of speakers.
We are giving our members the opportunity to take advantage of early bird pricing for a year of membership. The annual dues for those who sign up by February 1, 2024, is $550. Dues will increase to $600 after February 1. We have had to institute a price increase due to the high costs associated with running a world-class meeting in New York City.
You may renew your membership online at If you have forgotten your username or password, you can retrieve it on that page as well. In the upper right corner of the homepage, click member login. Then, you can either enter the information needed to login, or click forgot my username/password. The software will walk you through the steps to retrieve it. The site may also be used to update your bio, such as mailing address and email.
Please continue your membership and support of our organization. Spread this message to your colleagues, who may not be members and urge them to join the NESP for two full days of education and camaraderie. We thank you in advance for your participation In the NESP
Jay S. Fishbein, D.M.D.
Executive Director, NESP
A Note From the Editor, 
Stuart Segelnick, DDS, MS
January 2024
Editor’s note:
The NESP Bulletin is your society’s way to keep you informed. In each issue we announce our upcoming featured world renowned speakers, so your excitement can carry through to joining us at our educational lecture presentations. With our timely editorials we strive to keep you updated on current topics of dentistry and periodontics.
“The NESP Bulletin encourages news from Advanced Education Programs in periodontics throughout the northeastern region. News may include faculty and student activities or achievements, research projects, departmental changes or any other related activities.” We especially welcome our post-graduate student members to contribute their views to the Bulletin as well as our steadfast members to let us know about your activities and accomplishments. If you have an editorial or article that you would like to share with your colleagues please send it to me, because the Bulletin is the best place to reach your colleagues and our members.
Photos of immediate past meetings are cherished; please email them to the bulletin so we can try and incorporate them into future editions or even place them on our new “Facebook” link (Northeastern Society of Periodontists on Facebook) The NESP is your society and if you have any ideas to make it better or would like to contribute to the Bulletin let us know. We want to hear from you and we want to help you become a more educated periodontist and practitioner. Join us!
Stuart Segelnick, DDS, MS.
Editor, NESP Bulletin
Periodontal Clinical Investigations
Periodontal Clinical Investigations (PCI) is the official publication of the Northeastern Society of Periodontists. The focus of the journal is generally on areas of interest to clinical periodontists. These include clinical studies, case reports, short reviews and guest editorials. Manuscripts are solicited from both NESP members and non-members and are subjected to peer review to determine their acceptability for publication. Information regarding submission of manuscripts follows.
As a member benefit, The Officers and Board of Directors of The NESP continue to provide the PCI Journal On-line through this website. This feature remains available only to Active Members. Those members who would like to submit articles for on-line publication, please follow the instructions below. We are proud to present this member benefit and look forward to even greater member participation and Web site utilization.
Instructions to Authors
Submission of manuscripts
Manuscripts should be sent to the Editors by e-mail: [email protected]; or by mail to Dr. Vincent Iacono, Department of Periodontics, School of Dental Medicine, Stony Brook, NY 11794-8703.
Printed submissions sent to the above address must be prepared as described below and accompanied by a standard CD-R containing an electronic copy of the manuscript. The CD-R should be labeled with the manuscript title, author(s) and specific version of the word processing program used. In lieu of printed manuscripts, electronic submissions are preferred and are to be done entirely in Microsoft Word (PC or MAC) and will be accepted at the above e-mail address.
It is not necessary to send hard copies unless there are figures of which you do not have electronic copies.
Submission of a manuscript is held to imply that the paper has not been published elsewhere and that, if accepted, it will not be published in any other journal in the same or similar form without the Editors written consent.
All submissions must be written in English. Authors must furnish translations of articles written in other languages.
All submissions will be subject to peer and editorial review.
Manuscripts should be in final form when submitted. They are to be double-spaced throughout, with one-inch margins. The first page must contain (1) title of paper; (2) running title (40 characters or less, preferably without abbreviations); (3) names, titles, and institutional affiliations of all authors; (4) mailing and e-mail address for correspondence and reprint requests, and also a telephone, fax number and e-mail address for the journals use.
Manuscripts must be original and may not have been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere, with the exception of presentation at a scientific meeting and publication as an abstract. A signed statement to this effect is to be included with the submission of the manuscript. Research that involves human subjects must conform to the Declaration of Helsinki and the authors must indicate that appropriate informed consent was obtained.
The text should open with a brief abstract.
Authors are not bound to any particular form; however, subject matter should be arranged under suitable headings and sub-headings. The following are in most cases preferable and in this order: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References.
Manuscript Preparation
If manuscripts are submitted in hard copy format they must be submitted in quadruplicate (one original and three copies) and word processed, double-spaced on one side only of an A4 or 8.5 x 11 inch paper, with at least 25 millimeter (1 inch) margins on all four sides. Manuscripts generally should not exceed 10 pages (excluding references, tables, figure legends and figures) and should be limited to no more than six authors. Additional contributing authors will be listed in the acknowledgements. Abbreviations should be placed in parentheses after the first complete use of the term(s) to be abbreviated. Use generic names for drugs and for dental materials. Give trades names and manufacturers names and addresses in parentheses.
Acknowledgements and Conflict of Interest
Include acknowledgement of those individuals who contributed to the publication, source of financial support, and any financial relationships of any of the authors which may pose a perceived conflict of interest. If the work was supported by a grant, the name of the supporting organization and the grant number are to be stated.
Illustrations should be sent as attachments to the manuscript. Artwork should be un-mounted. Figure legends should be printed on a separate sheet. Photographs should be glossy prints, including only the area of interest. Since illustrations will usually be reduced in printing, authors should ensure that numbers and letters within illustrations are large enough to be legible after reduction (1.5-2 mm). All illustrations are to be numbered in order of their mention in the text.
Tables should be numbered, according to their order of mention in the text and each supplied with a title and typed on a separate sheet. Tables should be self-explanatory and supplement, not duplicate the text. All footnotes should immediately follow the table, and all abbreviations should be defined in the footnote.
References should be numbered in the order of their occurrence in the text, not alphabetically. Text references are indicated by bracketed numbers: as in other reports (1, 5, 6-10)
Davis et al (16) reported
The list of references at the end of the text should be double-spaced and arranged in order of their occurrence in the text. All authors should be listed unless there are more than six, when additional authors listed as et al. This should be followed by the title of the article, the name of the journal, the volume number, the first and last pages in full, and the year of publication.
Journal references are printed in the following form:
1. AUTHOR, AB, CO-AUTHOR, CO, CO-AUTHOR, EF, et al: Title of article, J Abbrev, vol: first page of article-last page of article, year of publication.
References to Books:
2. AUTHOR, AB: Title of Book. Editor(s). Place of publication, Name of Publisher, (pages referred to), year of publication.
Please give full bibliographic information, when possible, in references to meetings and symposia.
Manuscripts are solicited from clinicians and researchers in areas of clinical and scientific interest to periodontists. The focus of the journal is mainly on material of interest to clinical periodontists.
Published manuscripts are not returned unless requested.
Editor: Dr. Vincent J. Iacono
Contact Us At:
Department of Periodontics
School of Dental Medicine
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, New York 11794-8703
Telephone: (631) 632-8955/8895
Fax: (631) 632-3113
E-mail address: [email protected]